metal chips : aluminum (the cheaper), copper, brass or bronze
1 cristal single tip per TB
making :
pour resine into the pot
optional(*) : add a food coloring ou special résin and mix
add the catalyzer, according to the resin manufacturer's recommendations (the curing time depends on temperature and humidity, between 1 hour and a few hours
mix well
put mold in the rigid pan (for safety)
in each pan :
pour a little bit resin
pour a few chips of metal
place a single tip cristal
pour a little bit resin
optional(*) : place a piece of selenite of blue kyanite
pour a few chips of metal
pour a little bit resin
optional(*) : place a little piece of pink cristal
pour a few chips of metal
complete with resin
wait until it hardens
unmold the TB
optional(*) : sand the edges to avoid the risk of cutting
(*) : options are not part of the recipe ; we have added them according to our experience in Orgonite manufacturing
a pan : cocktail glass, pvc or silicone (our manufacturing)
resin + catalyzer (so called hardener)
pot for mixing
metal chips : aluminum (the cheaper), copper, brass or bronze
5 crystals double tip per HHG
making :
put mold in the pan
pour resine into the pot
optional(*) : add a food coloring ou special résin and mix
add the catalyzer, according to the resin manufacturer's recommendations (the curing time depends on temperature and humidity, between 1 hour and a few hours
mix well
in the pan :
pour a little bit resin
pour a few chips of metal (aluminum)
place one crystal double tip standing
pour a little bit resin
pour a few chips of metal (aluminum)
pour a little bit resin
place 4 little crystals double tip as a cross
optional(*) : place a piece of selenite or blue kyanite, in the midst
optional(*) : place a little piece of pink crystal next
pour a little bit resin
optional(*) : pour a few chips of an heavier metal (brass), to increase aspiration of negagtive energy
pour a few chips of first metal (aluminum)
pour a little bit resin
optional(*) : place a flat double helix, to create a waveform which increases the power of the Orgonite
complete with resin
wait until it hardens
unmold the HHG
optional(*) : sand the edges to avoid the risk of cutting
thereafter, there can be varied forms (pebble, pyramid, sphere or egg) and sizes, or add other components (crystals, shells, and so one ...) according to our inspiration.
(*) : options are not part of the recipe ; we have added them according to our experience in Orgonite manufacturing
Questions - Answers
What kind of resin to use ?
polyester resin (in the video), otherwhise epoxy (easier to use but more expensive)
Where to buy resin ?
in DIY stores
Where to buy chips of metal ?
in machine shops (turners, millers) or among metal recyclers (wreckers)
What kind of metal to use ?
the best value for money : aluminum
can also be used : copper, brass or bronze
warning : do not use iron/steel : Orgonite would not transform negative energy info positive but would act as a negative energy accumulator only
Can we use pieces of metal recovered (bolts, windings, aluminum freezing trays, etc ...) ?
we first recall to avoid ferrous metals (see previous point), which greatly limits metal recovered
yes for TB ; size of pieces generally varies from a rice grain to a nut
we will be reserved for HHG, because we prefer to place metals as uniform layers (in size and type of metal)
What kind of crystals tu use ?
mandatory : quartz crystal (so called rock crystal) ; the Orgonite will be more powerfull than the crystal is clean (and expensive)
options are endless ; in videos, we add :
selenite of blue kyanite, to keep the pureness of crystals in time
pink quartz, to radiate love and to avoid Orgonite to be used with malicious intent
refer to lithotherapy books or sites to know what are the crystal properties and therefore the added effect for Orgonite
Where to buy crystals ?
crystals merchants : shops near by you or on the Internet
What kind of mold to use ?
either mold without silicon, for metal pan ; in this case, be very careful, after unmolding, to remove every mark of resin in the pan, otherwhise resin will agglomerate in time and will increasingly enlarge
or polyvinyl alcohol, for glass molds
by cons, you don't need if for silicon molds
Where to buy the mold ?
mold without silicon is generally sold to professionals but you can try to find some in DIY shops or on the Internet
polyvinyl alcohol, in creative leisure shops
Where do pvc or silicone molds of the HHG video come from ?